Upcoming Events
Can you deploy AutoML systems at work? with Abi Aryan
Saturday February 9, 2019, 05:00PM GMT
Youtube Live
Given the excellent performance of deep learning methods in the past decade, machine learning researchers today are slowly transitioning from building task-specific neural networks to designing complex systems that can perform machine learning on multiple problems and datasets. These systems are called AutoML Systems and is one of the thriving areas of research in deep learning. In this class, we will begin by implementing a simple image recognition task and then extend it for a more complex scenario using some state of the art techniques in AutoML. Finally, we will wrap up with a quick overview of some of the key techniques and concepts in AutoML and transfer learning. By the end of the class, you would have two coded two projects to get you started in the deep learning architecture design. The ones who shall benefit the most from this class are the ones who have some experience with deep learning methods, however, anyone with a basic understanding of the key terminologies in machine learning and a good grasp of Python shall be able to follow along.
Intro to GIS with Corryn Smith
Saturday January 26, 2019, 08:00AM MST
Youtube Live
Let's learn all things GIS with Corryn Smith --- okay, at least what we can in an hour :) In this presentation, we will learn about Geographic Information Systems (GIS), how we can use python to automatic tasks with spatial data, and explore real-life projects. This presentation is geared to all individuals. Prerequisites: None! However, Python 2.7, QGIS, Google Earth Engine, and ESRI ArcMap will be used if you would like to follow along
Past Events
Django and Docker with Josue Balandrano Coronel
Saturday October 6, 2018, 11:00AM CDT
Youtube Live
Docker implements operating-system-level virtualization, otherwise known as containerization. Containers are great for development and production because they allow for easier reproduce-ability. In this class you will learn how to use docker to run a Django web application as well as the common local development and production setups of a web application and some tips to use Django and Docker together.
Introduction to PySpark with Garren Staubli
Saturday April 21, 2018, 10:30AM PDT
Youtube Live
Learn how to use Spark with Python, including how Spark works, a sample application with code, PySpark-specific guidance and specially curated resources for further learning and development.
Code available here.
Please install Azure Notebooks in order to follow along during the class.
All PyLadies Remote teachers and students are expected to behave in accordance with the PyLadies Code of Conduct.
Global Diversity CFP Day Workshop with A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
Saturday February 3, 2018, 11:00AM EST
Youtube Live
PyLadies Remote is excited to participate in Global Diversity CFP Day.
When you speak at a conference or meetup, you have a chance to share your ideas and meet fellow specialists who share your passions. A tech talk opens surprising opportunities: it can lead to more speaking, or writing for prominent publishers, or collaborating with leaders in your field. Your talk doesn't have to be a tour de force, you don't have to be a leading expert, and you don't have to talk about something you built—conference organizers love a good explanation of basic principles.
This PyLadies Remote class is presented by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis. He's a PloneConf keynote speaker and a PyGotham organizer, and has spoken at PyCon each year since 2014. In the last few years he has advanced from a nervous newbie to an accomplished speaker (but still gets nervous). Jesse will present a complete guide to beginning a conference speaking career: where to find speaking opportunities, how to write a winning proposal, techniques for writing, rehearsing, and refining your presentation, and how to maximize the value of your conference talk. Anyone should come who wants to begin or to advance their speaking career.
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
Saturday November 11, 2017, 11:00AM EST
Youtube Live
This class will help you get started working with machine learning in Python, starting with an overview of what machine learning is as well as what it can and cannot do. We will use Jupyter notebooks and the scikit-learn library to explore how data is used for machine learning and examples of three types of algorithms: classification, regression, and clustering. At the end of this course, you will be able to run a simple algorithm on a dataset and have resources for more in-depth learning on how these algorithms work.
Prerequisites: Basic Python programming (including the use of functions).
Software Needed: Python 3 (2 might work, but I can't guarantee it) and the following libraries: scikit-learn, numpy/scipy, matplotlib
Administration and Building of Django-based REST API
Saturday October 7, 2017, 10:30AM EDT
Youtube Live
This online class will introduce you to the administration and building blocks behind a Django project. This includes building the admin interface with subsequent models and learning how to attach Rest API endpoints. With this class, you will build an inventory database, learn how to view the information in a GUI format, and also learn how to make calls to get, post, and delete the respective data in the database. By the end of the class, you will have a fully functioning project to reference for other Django endeavors. Let's get coding!
Python Version: Python 2.7x or 3.6x.
Pip Installs: django, djangorestframework
Introduction to event driven automation with StackStorm
Sunday September 10, 2017, 11:00AM EDT
Youtube Live
StackStorm is a platform for integration and automation across services and tools. It ties existing infrastructure and application environment, making it easy to automate. I will cover the following topics in this session. Working knowledge (beginner/intermediate) of Python is preferred.
- Introducing stack storm and concepts of packs: Actions, rules, triggers
- Discussion of useful packs: aws, slack
- Writing workflows: Action Chain, mistral, Mapping python scripts as workflows
- A development workflow with StackStrom docker
Prerequisite installation:
- docker
- docker compose
- StackStorm docker installation from https://github.com/StackStorm/st2-docker
Introduction to Data Wrangling with Pandas with Sarah Masud
Saturday July 22, 2017, 03:00PM CEST
Youtube Live
Excel sheets have become the de facto format for analysing and sharing data insights. But it is not efficient for handling data that is either huge or partial or both. This is where Pandas comes to the rescue. Pandas is a very powerful and highly optimised Python library. It is used for cleaning and analysing datasets. Having a working knowledge of Pandas helps any data analysts to quickly gain insights from a large dataset, and obtain a clean, portable subset of data to do in-depth analysis on.
By the end of this session, participants will have a working knowledge of Pandas. Beginner level knowledge of Python will be sufficient to get you started with Pandas.
Topics covered:
- Why we need Pandas
- Creating a data frame
- Subsetting a data frame
- Merging data frames
- Perform basic statistical operations
- Performing split-apply-combine operations
- Exercise the knowledge on a sample dataset + basic visualisation
Prerequisite Installation: Matplotlib, Pandas and Numpy.
Strategies for Building and Launching Your Side Project with Tracy Osborn
Saturday March 4, 2017, 01:00PM EST
Youtube Live
Got an idea you want to build? This mini-workshop will go over the basics of creating your project idea, breaking it down into easily achievable pieces, making a plan for building it (we'll be using Django but the concept is pretty universal), and general strategies to make this very scary-seeming process into something fun and productive.
Prior knowledge of Django is suggested but not required.
An End to Boring Data with Visualizations with Heather Shapiro
Saturday January 14, 2016, 11:00AM EST
Youtube Live
Put the days of trying to decipher meaning from boring spreadsheets behind you. Visualize data to give greater and immediate meaning to all those numbers with Python. Explore the variety of options available for data visualization in Python using different libraries and understand which ones excel for what type of task. Create maps, statistical graphs and more detailed or interactive visualizations that can also be used on the web, ideal to take that blog post to a whole new level.
Prior knowledge of Python is suggested but not required. Also, no knowledge of data science or statistics is necessary.
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
Saturday September 24, 2016, 05:00PM CEST
Youtube Live
Data Structures and Algorithms are very useful and many times the only way through which you can solve complex problems. Python is fun. Let's write and understand some data structures and algorithms using Python in this class.
- Basic Python knowledge.
- If you have already heard about these terms, it's a plus.
- Please sign up for a free Cloud9 account to follow along.
Algorithms and data structures that will be covered:
- Algorithms
- Breadth First Search
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Heap Sort
- Data Strucutures
- Singly Linked List
- Undirected Graph
- Union Find
- If time permits
- Depth First Search
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm (KMP)
- Stack
- Queue
We will discuss why it is beneficial to know about data structures and algorithms. I will also take up some real life examples of problems which can be solved using above algorithms and data structures.
Flask-Ask - Using Alexa Skills with John Wheeler
Saturday August 6, 2016, 10:00AM CST
Youtube Live
You ask 'Alexa' to play songs, get the weather, and report scores. Those 'skills', as they're called, have an open API for building conversational apps. That API is the Alexa Skills Kit, and Flask-Ask is a Python framework that makes working with it easy.
Developing with Flask-Ask is fun. It's a novel experience to write and test conversational code, and it presents well over the web.
The Alexa service is available in North America only right now. However, developers are writing skills in other countries regardless.
Building Your First SPA Webshop: Intro to Django REST Framework and Ember - Part 2
Sunday July 24th, 2016, 10:00AM CST
If you enjoyed the introduction to building a single page workshop with Django and EmberJS, you'll probably be interested in the second episode of this class.
In case you couldn't make it for part, you can still attend part two, we will start from existing code that you'll be able to download (you can also go through part 1 by yourself here).
In the second part of this class the focus will mostly be about testing and creating records from the frontend but we'll be covering a couple other topics as well.
Our teacher, Emma, will be using https://www.nitrous.io as an online IDE. We recommend that you sign up for a free for nitrious.io before the class so you can follow along.
Building Your First SPA Webshop: Intro to Django REST Framework and Ember
Sunday May 22nd, 2016, 05:00PM CET
Does frontend development sound scary or intriguing? Then, come join us for this class and discover more! Frontend frameworks are not that different from backend frameworks. They are also MV*, and even if some of them are very different to what we are used to in the "backend world", some of them are really close to what we are used to with Django.
During this class we will focus on:
- Creating an API in Django with Django Rest Framework
- Retrieving data from Django in Ember and displaying it to the user
- Building a simple filter with Django Rest Framework
- Ember nested views and requesting filtered data from the backend
- Filtering data in the frontend
- Making things prettier with transition animations
- Testing the API and the frontend
Learn Testing with Python
Saturday April 30th, 2016, 11:00AM EST
Google Hangout on Air
Tired of trying to check your code by hand? Interested in testing but not sure where to begin? This class will teach you the basics of testing in Python.
We'll cover:
- The pros and cons of testing your code, and when it's most important to do so.
- How to make a simple set of tests using unit tests, included basic building blocks like assertions and setUp/tearDown. (Don't know what those terms mean yet? That's what the class is for!)
- The Coverage tool, which helps you track how much of your code has tests.
We'll also briefly talk about more advanced testing topics, such as mocks, factories, integration testing with Selenium, automated testing, and test driven development, just to give folks a lay of the testing landscape. :)
Python Dictionaries
Saturday March 12th, 2016, 3:30pm-5:30pm CET
Google Hangout on Air
The dictionary is a widely used data structure which maps values with the keys used to get them, with the requirement that the keys are unique. This class takes you through a tour of the working of Python dictionaries.
What will you learn?
- What exactly is a dictionary?
- What is the difference between lists, dictionaries and tuples?
- What operations can be done on dictionaries?
- What makes dictionaries awesome?
- Nested dictionaries
- Use cases of dictionaries
- When not to use dictionaries
Ready to spend your Saturday afternoon learning something fun?
Sign up for the class here!
Introduction to Computational Linguistics with Python
Saturday February 20th, 2016, 9:00am-11:00am CST
Google Hangout on Air
A brief introduction to Computational Linguistics by Giovanni De Gasperis, where we'll do some basic analyses by writing small Python programs. Computational Linguistics is a multidisciplinary research area where linguists and computer scientists collaborate to analyze unstructured text in its primitive form, i.e. not actually trying to read it and doing natural language understanding, but more specifically calculating statistical properties out of large text corpora, independently from the language by which the text has been produced. Typical results are: the most occurrent text forms in absolute or in relation to other forms, extract most significant keywords, build the corpus vocabulary. More advanced results are lemmatization, part of speech tagging, semantic categories tagging and much more. A text will be downloaded from the web and it will be analyzed writing small Python programs that can produce some of the basic results mentioned above.
Your First Conference Proposal!
Saturday January 30, 10:00am-11:00am PST
Google Hangout on Air
Speaking at conferences is a great way to get to know new people, travel the country (and the world!), learn new techniques, and network with other developers. But submitting your first conference presentation can be daunting. You might not be sure how much detail to include or how formal to me. You might even think that your perspective isn't valuable.
In this PyLadies Remote class, we'll start with a discussion of impostor syndrome and how you can overcome it to start your speaking career. Multiple and diverse voices add value to all conferences, so we'll talk about how to get yourself a speaker mentor, how to build confidence, and the importance of rehearsal. Then we'll get into the nitty gritty of what conferences are looking for in a proposal. By the end of the meeting, you'll have a list of conferences to apply for, some ideas for what to present, and a plan for giving your first conference talk in 2016.
Sign up for the class here!
Here are the links to the live stream and to the help chatLacey will be using.
Both links won't be active until about a half an hour before the class starts.
Python List Comprehensions
Saturday November 21, 9:00am-10:30am PST
Google Hangout on Air
Let's learn about some looping techniques we can use to make our code more readable and more Pythonic. We'll learn about list comprehensions, set comprehensions, dictionary comprehensions, and generator expressions. Yay Python!
Sign up for the class here!
Here are the links to the live stream and to the help chat Trey will be using.
Both links won't be active until about a half an hour before the class starts.
From Guess and Check to Recursion!
Sunday October 4th, 11:00am-1:00pm CDT
Google Hangout on Air
Recursion - what is it? (A way to break down a problem into smaller pieces which you either already know the answer to!)
In this class we'll solve two to three problems starting first with our tried and true guess and check logic. Once we know how to break the problem down and solve it with exhaustive enumeration, we'll retool our approach to apply recursion to our code.
The class will make use of psuedocode and, time permitting, do a Big O analysis on each implementation.
Sign up for the class here!
Here are the links to the live stream and to the help chat Lorena will be using.
Both links won't be active until about a half an hour before the class starts.
Let's learn Git in Your PJs
Sunday September 20, 09:30am-11:30am EDT
Google Hangout on Air
It's time to get comfortable with git!
Today, git is the go-to for versioning. If you want to go code in the open source community, chances are good that you're going to have to learn about git.
In this class, we're going to go over:
- What exactly IS git?
- Installing it
- Creating repositories
- Branching, merging, rebasing, tagging
- Fixing merges
- Working with Github
- Getting information out of git
- Tricks and tips
In order to participate in this class, you'll need a GitHub account and a computer with admin rights. You'll be playing around with a repo on Katie Cunningham's account, so you won't need to do anything but sign up!
Sign up for the class here!
The link to the live stream will be added to Eventbrite page before the class so please keep an eye out for it. Here is the link to the help chat Katie will be using.
Both links won't be active until about a half an hour before the class starts.
Intro to Python 3 in Your PJs
Sunday August 23, 09:30am-12:30pm EDT
Google Hangout on Air
Yes! Katie Cunningham will finally be going over Python 3!
This is a class for the new developer, and works not only for those new to programming, but also to Python.
For this class, Katie will be using Google Hangouts on Air and Cloud 9. Make sure that you have a C9 account before the class starts! Everyone should be fine using the free tier.
Rough outline:
- Storing and manipulating data
- Getting information from the user
- Logic and flow control
- Using the standard library
- Projects of interest
Sign up for the class here!
The link to the live stream will be added to Eventbrite page before the class so please keep an eye out for it. Here is the link to the help chat Katie will be using.
Both links won't be active until about a half an hour before the class starts.
Introduction to Scraping and Scrapy
Sunday August 16, 09:30am-11:00am EDT
Google Hangout on Air
Web scraping (web harvesting or web data extraction) is a computer software technique of extracting information from websites. -- wiki
What you need?
- A Gmail Account.
- Cloud9 account.
- Love for Python.
- Internet Obviously. :)
- Doubts, questions, drop them here.
What you will learn?
- Installing Scrapy and anything that we need.
- What is scraping?
- Why Scrape at all?
- What all you can scrape?
- How to write a scraper?
- Why Scrapy is awesome?
- Why Scrapy is not that awesome?
- What is xpath? Why they are so useful in scraping?
- What all you have in Python World to Scrape?
You are a beginner in Python? Yes? Please join in. :)
No? I promise you will learn something new and interesting. :)
Sign up for the class here!
The link to the live stream will be added to Eventbrite page before the class so please keep an eye out for it. Here is the link to the help chat Tapasweni will be using.
Both links won't be active until about a half an hour before the class starts.
Introduction to Django
Sunday July 26, 02:30pm-05:30pm CEST
Emmanuelle Delescolle will teach you how to create a ToDo App with Django!
Here are the steps that she will guide you through:
- We'll install a stlightly prepared django project using cookiecutter in order to save time (with preloaded bootstrap, custom css, required apps already installed, db initialized with superuser)
- We'll jump directly into urls.py (with explanation on how a django/wsgi app is different from basics html/php/asp/jsp based sites if part of the audience has experience with those)
- We'll have a brief intro of TemplateView and Django templates and template inheritance.
- We'll do a complete intro on models/makemigrations/migrate
- We'll have a brief description of the admin and how to create a ModelAdmin
- We'll move towards ListView, CreateView and UpdateView
- We'll create a custom View class (to set a todo as done from the list) based on RedirectView
If there's time left:
- We'll do an ajax version of the last step so the page doesn't need to be reloaded when setting a todo as done and see how django can behave differently for ajax and regular requests
Emmanuelle will use cloud9 for her class. If you don't have a cloud9 account, please sign up before the class It's free!
Sign up for the class here!
Here is the link to the stream and to the help chat Emmanuelle will be using.
Both links won't be active until about a half an hour before the class starts.
Learn JavaScript in Your PJs!
Sunday July 19, 09:30am-12:30pm EDT
Google Hangout on Air
Yes, this is a Python group, but if you want to do web dev, you'll want to learn Javascript!
In this online class, Katie Cunningham will teach you the basics of Javascript, including:
Storing and manipulating data
Manipulating HTML
Logic and flow control
Sign up for the class here!
Here is the link to the Google Hangout on Air and to the help chat Katie will be using.
Both links won't be active until about a half an hour before the class starts.
Learn Python in Your PJs!
Sunday June 28, 09:30am-12:30pm EDT
Google Hangout on Air
Katie Cunningham will teach you the basics of Python! And the best part about it: You can take the class from home, in your PJ's!
This is a class for absolutely beginners, so don't worry about not having enough experience.
Katie will cover:
- What is Python, and what can it do?
- Saving data
- Manipulating data
- Data types
- Repeating code
- Creating functions
- Using the Python Standard Library
- What next?
For this class, Katie will be using Cloud 9. You can feel free to use the Python installed on your machine, but it's much, MUCH easier to share errors with Katie when you use Cloud 9.
Class pre-requisites:
- A stable Internet connection (please, don't do this from a coffee shop!)
- A Cloud 9 account (it's free!)
- Some caffeine :)
Sign up for the class here!
An email with the link to the Google Hangout on Air and the corresponding help chat will be sent out about an hour before the class, so check your emails!