Previous PyLadies Remote Classes
- Django and Docker
- Cryptography in Python
- Testing Data Pipelines
- Intro to Git
- PyTales - Solving Beginner Programming Questions
- Introduction to PySpark
- Intro to Python
- Global Diversity CFP Day Workshop
- Building Websites with Jekyll for any Developer
- Introduction to Machine Learning in Python
- Administration and Building of Django-based REST API
- Introduction to event driven automation with StackStorm
- Get a Jumpstart on Collaboration and Code Review in GitHub
- Introduction to Data Wrangling with Pandas
- Strategies for Building and Launching Your Side Project - Part 2
- Strategies for Building and Launching Your Side Project - Part 1
- An End to Boring Data with Visualizations
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
- Programming the Amazon Echo with Flask-Ask
- Building Your First SPA Webshop: Intro to Django REST Framework and Ember - Part 2
- Building Your First SPA Webshop: Intro to Django REST Framework and Ember - Part 1
- Functionalish Programming in Python
- Learn Flask in your PJs!
- Introduction to Computational Linguistics with Python
- Your First Conference Proposal!
- Python List Comprehensions
- From Guess and Check to Recursion!
- Let's Learn Git in your PJs!
- Learn Python 3 in your PJs!
- Introduction to Scraping and Scrapy
- Introduction to Django
- Learn JavaScript in Your PJs!
- Learn Python in Your PJs!
- Codeacademy Python Track
- Learn Python the Hard Way
- A Hands-on Introduction to Python for Beginning Programmers by Jessica McKellar
- Programming for Everybody (Python)
Web Development
- Django Girls Tutorial
- Hello Web App by Tracy Osborn
- The Flask Mega-Tutorial
- Codeacademy HTML and CSS Track
- "Programming in your PJ's!" screencasts by Katie Cunningham
- Coding is for girls